Articles on: Getting Started

How do I create an account with LootLabs?

To create a LootLabs account do the following

Visit the LootLabs Website

Sign Up / Register: Look for a the Sign up form at the bottom of the site

Fill in Your Details: You'll need to provide your personal information to set up your account.
Include your name, email address, and messenger type. the social channel is optional but it could help us track your statistics and get to know you as a creator.

Agree to Terms and Conditions: Make sure to read the terms and conditions on our site. If you agree to the terms, check the appropriate box or click the "I Agree" button.

Verify Your Email: After completing the registration form, we will send you an email confirmation

* Email Image*

Complete Account Setup: Once your email is verified, you will need to log in to your new account.
upon logging you will be asked to provide additional information, such as payment details and social links under the account details tab (optional).

That's pretty much it!

If you've made it this far you might be interested in learning How to create new links

Updated on: 30/11/2023

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