Articles on: Getting Started

How do I create LootLabs links?

This video should help you with creating links, but there is a detailed explanation below aswell!

If you wish to Create a monetized link with LootLabs,
feel free to access our panel.

Travel to the "My Links" tab,

Under My Links Click on the "Create New Link" Button.
This buttons opens an image with the following parameters.

Destination URL: The final URL you want to share with your audience.

Thumbnail Image: Optional parameter to add a thumbnail to the final link you create.

Links title: The title showed on the Link site.

Theme: One of our themes
Which tasks to show:

Tells us the specific task type you want, there are 3 types, each one uses deferent ads, and has an effect on your links final CPM.

Trending & Recommended: Ads focused on delivering content that encourages reading and exploration. Showcases recommended articles and trending topics.
Gaming Offers & Recommendations: Beyond the offers of Tier 1, this tier actively engages users with gaming-related offers and recommendations, striking a balance between user engagement and revenue generation.

Profit Maximization: Pinnacle of ad optimization. This tier not only includes the features of the previous tiers but ensures 100% demand fulfillment for the best possible returns.

Number of tasks: How many ad tasks you with on the page (1-5)

Add social Channels Manually:
Usually we pull your channel links from Your Creator Details Tab
But in case you want to use other links we allow that, just click on the box and change your links as you please.

After finishing this process click on the "Save Link" Button and your link is created!

Updated on: 09/05/2024

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